About Me
​I believe that in order to train people you need to have a perspective on what they do. I have spent over twenty years in the education/mental health field. I have dedicated my time to working with the youth that others turn away and send away.
I was a kid who can relate to the kids I work with every day.
I continue to work directly with youth on a daily basis. I not only train people how to work with students I submerge myself in the trenches daily. What I share with clients is real life experience coupled with education and research. I know our kids; I know what you deal with every day. This isn’t theory and ideas developed by people doing research and analyzing data this is real life experience.
Trainings and In-services
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Common School Mental Health Disorders
This Mental Health Awareness training is intended for administrators, teachers, parents, and parent support providers who wish to understand more about mental health conditions and challenges that are common in childhood so that children can be better supported and positive mental health can be encouraged in the home and at school.
Trauma Informed De-Escalation
De-escalation is what should be exercised during a crisis situation in an effort to prevent a person from causing harm to you, themselves or others. Verbal De-escalation consists of differentiated strategies to help minimize the number/length of crisis as well as prepare people to deal with difficult issues.
5 GOALS to Understand
How crisis impacts the brain and body
How does brain development in teens influence crisis and de-escalation
What is the role of trauma Tips for dealing with youth in crisis who may have trauma
How to make a difference through relationships and therapeutic understanding.

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